Weekend Seminar at the Secondary Technical and Vocational College in Hollabrunn in September 2015
Looking forward to the international Jundokan Gashuku in Leeds in October we organized our weekend seminar from 25th to 27th September.
Because of the renovation of the usual training hall we used one training room at the Sporthotel as well as the big Dr. Eduard Müller hall at the College.
This was kindly allowed by the head of the College, Wolfgang Bodei as well by the head of the Sporthotel, Karl Schörg.
This time we had three goals, namely the best preparation for the gashuku in Leeds, where Rudolf Zampa planned to pass the grading for 4th dan. Another goal was to work intensively with our good friends from Tirol to introduce them into the Goju Ryu Jundokan way and the third goal was the work with an elite police man from Vienna who offered to give an introduction into Krav Maga.
36 participants from 6 karateclubs from Vienna, Lower Austria and Tyrol attended the seminar.
A number of them lived again in the Sporthotel. This is very comfortable and the food is excellent.
All in all it was e great success and offered the possibility to drink, eat and talk together.
The local newspaper took a number of photographs at published two news paper articles.
The photographs give you an impression of the performances.