International Jundokan Gasshuku 2022 in Enköping/Sweden

Within the first two weeks in July 2022 the yearly international Jundokan Gasshuku was held in Enköping, about 50 km WNW from Stockholm. This Gasshuku followed the event in Austria 2019 and was the first possibility to meet after the difficult circumstances caused by the corona pandemic.
10 Members of our Jundokan Karate-club Heeressportverein Wien, Sektion Karate, attended this important event for training with our grand masters and to communicate with Karateka from all over the world.
It was really a great event, organized by Sofia and Stefan and their team. As well concerning the training location itself as also the prepared Hotels like the Western Hotel and others. More than 100 Jundokan Karateka from 4 continents (excepted Australia) participated in the Gasshuku. From Austria 15 participants attended the gasshuku with great interest.
The famous trainers from the Jundokan Honbu Dojo in Naha/Okinawa, Tsuneo Kinjo Sensei and Tetsu Gima Sensei defined the content and the goal of the seminar. Primarily the accuracy of the techniques when performing Kihon was defined important as well as the dynamics and exact presentation of the Kata. In addition to that a great number of variations of Bunkai were presented and trained and finally examples for practical self-defence
Concerning the efficiency of the training the whole group was sometimes divided in subgroups, which performed the training of different contents and levels. The breaks and the lunchtime initiated the opportunity for communications between the participants from all over the world.
The training was performed in a big sporting hall and was all in all very comfortable.
Beside the training meetings and discussions have been organised which helped to change information and experiences and to perform an increase of the efficiency of the trainings.
Beside that there was enough time for sightseeing in the vicinity and to visit the nice lakes and the surrounding area. But also trips to Stockholm were performed to visit the impressive capital of Sweden and its landmarks.
All in all, the Swedish Gasshuku was very well organised and a great success.
The enclosed photographs are self-explaining and will show you the great situation in Enköping and Stockholm.