Weekend Seminar at the Secondary Technical and Vocational College in Hollabrunn in September 2015
Looking forward to the international Jundokan Gashuku in Leeds in October we organized our weekend seminar from 25th to 27th September.

International Jundokan Gashuku in Leeds/UK in October 2015
Jundokan Honbu Dojo Okinawa initiates every year an international Gashuku in Europe; the locations changes nearly yearly. E.g. Catania/Sicily, Paris/France and this year in Leeds/UK.

“1st Karate Day” in Vienna 2015
In analogy to the “Official Karate Day”, yearly organized by the Austrian Karate Federation, Alfred Anderl, the president of the Vienna Karate Federation and his team

Running Training at the Paramilitary Karate Club HSV-Vienna
In one of our Karate training lessons, which are held during the whole week, especially on Wednesday, we offer practicing for our youngsters under the leadership of three qualified trainers namely Christian Pirker, Karl Grünwald und DI (graduated engineer) Barbara

Weekend Seminar at the Secondary Technical and Vocational College
From 13th to 15th March 2015 the traditional Karate weekend seminar was held in Hollabrunn, Lower Austria, again.
38 participants from Karate Clubs from Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Tyrol and Vienna

Event for Trainers of the Austrian Karate Federation in Wels, Upper Austria
Once a year the AKF=Austrian Karate Federation organizes a one day seminar in Wels, nearby Linz, the capital of Upper Austria.
About 140 participants from all Austrian Federal Countries attend this extraordinary event.

3rd International Jundokan Gashuku in Cachan/Paris 2014
In October 2014 a group of six members of Austrian Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate-Do Jundokan, led by Dr. F. Gsodam, followed the invitation to the Gashuku.
The Gashuku was held and very well organized by Jundokan France, under the leadership of

Weekend Seminar at the Secondary Technical and Vocational College
Its simply a tradition: From the 10th to the 12th of October 2014 the Jundokan Karate-Do weekend seminar was held again by Dr. Friedrich Gsodam, 9th Dan, Hanshi, at the Secondary Technical and Vocational College Hollabrunn, Lower Austria.

14th International Vienna Open on 20th September 2014
This international competition is nowadays really a great success.
422 Karateka from 18 countries participated in and fought in 56 categories for the winner. Even participants from Argentina and South Africa took part in.

Tag des Sports in Wien – Day of Sport in Vienna
The “Day of Sport” in Vienna is a big event presenting different types of sport. It is celebrated every year in the 3rd week of September at the Heldenplatz – Place of the Heroes – in the City of Vienna. About 500.000 visitors come to this famous place to see the presentations and

2nd International Jundokan Gashuku in Sicily, July 2014
The Gashuku in July in Catania was a great success for Jundokan and its friends again. Participants from England, France, Italy, Madagaskar, Sweden and Austria came to Catania to practice together under the leadership of our famous Jundokan trainers from Okinawa, namely

Sixth Seminar for Trainers
Once a year the AKF (corresponding to Österreichischer Karatebund ÖKB) organizes a one day seminar in Wels, a big city in Upper Austria.
About 130 participants from all over Austria attend this event. There is always a very